Emily Amato, B.S.
B.S. in Chemistry, University of Iowa (2020)
Oxford Junction, Iowa
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I like bowling and programming in JavaScript.
How did you become interested in CER?
The area of how students learn and how to teach chemistry effectively is an interest I've had for years, as I plan to teach high school chemistry after I graduate. I learned about CER specifically from Dr. Becker in her course 'Special Topics in Chemistry Education.'
What do you hope to do after your time in the Becker group?
I plan to get involved with volunteering in a science classroom at a local school
What is your main research project and what interests you about it?
Currently I'm collaborating with Dr. Rodriguez in writing exercises and problems for POGIL worksheets on general chemistry topics. I really enjoyed the introductory chemistry courses I took here at the University of Iowa (Principles I and II) and appreciate the opportunity to be involved in designing course material for future students.