Articles from August 2020
New Paper! Evaluation of the Students’ Understanding of Models in Science (SUMS) for use in undergraduate chemistry
Thursday, August 27, 2020
As chemistry education, and science education more broadly, have shifted to emphasize realistic scientific practices as an important component of education, a number of researchers have used the Students’ Understanding of Models in Science (SUMS) instrument to assess students’ knowledge about scientific models and modelling.
New Paper! A Review of Research on Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning: Implications for Research and Practice
Thursday, August 20, 2020
As a pedagogical approach, process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) allows students to socially construct knowledge through iterative cycles that include three steps: exploring a model, inventing a concept, and applying the resulting ideas. A growing body of research indicates that relative to lecture-based approaches, POGIL supports student learning more effectively.